HOLY SHIT! One of our movies is showing somewhere (the NWFC)!


If you’re prone to making batshit-weird movies, rare is the opportunity to actually screen one of them to a room full of strangers who can just walk off the street and buy a ticket. The Northwest Film Center has stepped up to the plate and has offered us an evening of cinematic shelter. They’ve been kind enough to invite us to show our newest feature CHILDHOOD MACHINE as part of their Northwest Tracking series on March 5th.

Making content that is primarily consumed via the internet, as we do, we’ve almost forgot what it’s like to watch one of our movies with a real-deal audience in attendance. Your tangibility will be most appreciated and we can’t wait to smell all of you who can make it!

Buy advance tix HERE. March 5th at 7pm at the Northwest Film Center (1219 SW Park Ave).


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